Vandelia Church of Christ
April 19, 2015
- Garett announcements (5:47)
- Amy announcements (2:08)
- Doug announcement (0:48)
- Responsive Reading (1:45)
- Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing (1:22)
- You Are Holy (2:56)
- You, O Lord, Are My Refuge (2:04)
- Scripture Reading - Romans 8 (1:01)
- I Stand in Awe (2:47)
- Sharie Children's Spot (7:17)
- Sermon - Pentecost In Caesarea (21:11)
- Spirit of the Living God (0:51)
- Akasha's confession (1:12)
- Emily's prayer (1:21)
- Blessed Jesus (1:58)
- Kynzie Communion Meditation (0:45)
- Christ, We Do All Adore Thee (1:14)
- John R prayer for bread (0:31)
- John F prayer for cup (0:18)
- Jerry N - prayer for offering (0:45)
- Lord, Reign in Me (1:31)
- Rick L closing prayer (1:49)