From: Russell
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999
Dear family and friends;
Here is the latest update on Lynne's condition:
She continues to make progress, however small it may be. We'll take what we can get. The orthopedic residents replaced the cast on her right ankle last night, which has made a world of difference in her comfort. She still is experiencing some swelling, which is a side effect of the steroids they were using to bring the swelling down in her spinal column. They are no longer giving her this medication, and are still looking at other medications to give her for the swelling.
Right now, the only real major medications she is taking are for pain (the name escapes at this time), and Valium, for a muscle relaxer.
She still has trouble with her fine motor skills, like opening her hand. She can squeeze a little, but can't seem to open it back up.
I had Dick Ihfe, one of the elders from our church who is also an attorney come out to take a look at the fireplace mess. I gave him the poloroids and the videotape I made Sunday night. He is checking civil liability laws in Texas, to see if there is any possible recourse that can be taken against the builder of the house, or the subcontractor who did the acual work. The insurance adjustor was also here, so hopefully, we can have some sort of access to our living room again!
Lynne's nurse was kind enough to let us sneak the boys into Lynne's room last night. That helped both Lynne's disposition, and the boys'. It was good medicine for all of us to be together, even for 5-10 minutes.
Lynne's sisters, Ruth Morgan, from Denver and Teresa Reed, from Lubbock are here to see Lynne, and give us some support. I will be asking Lynne's dad to come for awhile later in the week, especially since school starts for Eric, Aaron and me next week. He will be a big support in getting things rebuilt, and I hope he can ride herd (cowboy term) on construction guys.
This is all I can think about right now. Please keep the prayers going on our behalf.
Russell Riggan
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999
Dear family and friends;
Here is the latest update on Lynne's condition:
She continues to make progress, however small it may be. We'll take what we can get. The orthopedic residents replaced the cast on her right ankle last night, which has made a world of difference in her comfort. She still is experiencing some swelling, which is a side effect of the steroids they were using to bring the swelling down in her spinal column. They are no longer giving her this medication, and are still looking at other medications to give her for the swelling.
Right now, the only real major medications she is taking are for pain (the name escapes at this time), and Valium, for a muscle relaxer.
She still has trouble with her fine motor skills, like opening her hand. She can squeeze a little, but can't seem to open it back up.
I had Dick Ihfe, one of the elders from our church who is also an attorney come out to take a look at the fireplace mess. I gave him the poloroids and the videotape I made Sunday night. He is checking civil liability laws in Texas, to see if there is any possible recourse that can be taken against the builder of the house, or the subcontractor who did the acual work. The insurance adjustor was also here, so hopefully, we can have some sort of access to our living room again!
Lynne's nurse was kind enough to let us sneak the boys into Lynne's room last night. That helped both Lynne's disposition, and the boys'. It was good medicine for all of us to be together, even for 5-10 minutes.
Lynne's sisters, Ruth Morgan, from Denver and Teresa Reed, from Lubbock are here to see Lynne, and give us some support. I will be asking Lynne's dad to come for awhile later in the week, especially since school starts for Eric, Aaron and me next week. He will be a big support in getting things rebuilt, and I hope he can ride herd (cowboy term) on construction guys.
This is all I can think about right now. Please keep the prayers going on our behalf.
Russell Riggan