Lynne Updates
On Christmas Eve 1999, Lynne stood on her fireplace hearth to light a candle on the mantle when the whole fireplace facade collapsed. What happened next is an inspiring story of God's grace and healing, not only for Lynne, but for many others in Lynne's widening circle of friends and family.
These are the e-mail messages that were circulated as events unfolded. Click on the first of each paragraph to see the full message.
Lynne, Family, Christmas, and Our Awesome God. David's story of the accident, his first visit to the hospital to see Lynne, and the surprise Christmas present after he returned home.
Russell 12-25-1999. After 12 hours at the hospital, Russell writes the first e-mail early Christmas morning. He breaks the news to those who haven't heard and tells what has occurred since the accident: After 11 hours in the ER, Lynne was moved to Surgical Trauma ICU. Neurosurgeons have done an MRI and have ordered massive doses of steroids to bring down the swelling in Lynne's spine. Russell asks everyone and their church families to pray.
Russell 12-27-1999. Lynne moves her left arm for the first time since the accident. She is flat on her back. Her head and her ankle really hurt, but "pain is a good thing." The church family has reached out to all four of them.
Russell 12-28-1999. Lynne is taking medicine for swelling and pain as well as a muscle relaxer and Valium. The cast on her ankle is replaced with a more comfortable one. She cannot open her hands. A nurse sneaks the boys into ICU to give them 5-10 minutes as a family. Teresa, Ruth, and Dad are planning to come.
David 12-30-1999. The chorus from church calls to sing "Glory" to Lynne over the phone. Lynne has no use of her hands. Prayer requests for family members who are traveling.
Russell 12-31-1999. Lynne moves from ICU to an intermediate care area on the 7th floor. Dad arrives to help out. Eric misses his mom.
Russell and David 1-5-2000. Lynne moves to rehab. She begins with one therapist for legs and one for her arms and hands. She can move her knee almost to her chin, but still has no use of her arms and hands.
Teresa 1-6-2000. Lynne has a really nice room in rehab. She gets cards from work, spends time with Dad, gets help from church family, and gains inspiration from Christian radio. She left them teary when she moved from the 7th floor.
Russell 1-13-2000. Lynne is helped to her feet for the first time since the accident. She gets a weight-bearing cast on her right ankle and a voice-activated phone. Dad "has helped out tremendously." A teacher compliments Russell on his boys.
Teresa 1-18-2000. Teresa and Anita go to see Lynne. Lynne has visits from co-workers Jennie and Cindy, and family friends Mary, Lora, and Ashley Netherland. Uncle Richard and cousin Steffanie come to spend time with Dad and Lynne. Lynne can bring her hands up to her face and sit up without assistance. Song by Sierra, "I Know You Know".
Teresa 1-22-2000. Lynne, Russell, and Dad have a difficult visit with the neurosurgeon. Recovery will take much longer than originally expected. Lynne feels tightness in her chest. She sees her dog, Maggie, for the first time since the accident and spends an evening with her boys. Aunt Betty sends an afghan with "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."
Dad 1-22-2000. Dad researches Central Cord Syndrome on the internet. Several of our misconceptions are corrected, most notably how long the recovery could take.
Teresa 1-23-2000. Dad, Uncle Richard, and chorus members sing and have communion with Lynne in the hospital. Lynne can put the wireless phone headpiece in her ear by herself.
Russell and Lynne 1-27-2000. Lynne uses her therapist's computer to write her own message in 45 minutes using one finger. She calls Russell and asks him to forward it.
Teresa 1-29-2000. Russell hits a pole in his truck. Lynne moves from a hard cast to an air splint on her right leg. She works with a standing machine in therapy. She nicknames her wheelchair "The Flintstone Car."
Russell 2-2-2000. Russell sends a sample of Lynne's first attempt at handwriting since the accident. It ends, "Russell, I Love You," and reminds Russell of the notes they wrote to each other when they were dating.
David and Russell 2-3-2000. Lynne is scheduled for surgery. Russell gets caregiver training at the Temporary Living Apartment.
Teresa 2-7-2000. Teresa passes the word about a prayer vigil to be held for Lynne on Tuesday, February 8, at 7 pm. David will fly to San Antonio to take part.
David 2-10-2000. The elders pray for Lynne before her surgery. Lynne moves out of rehab. Dr. Harper unroofs C1-4 to decompress Lynne's spine. Dr. Harper's sketch.
Teresa 2-20-2000. Lynne regains strength after surgery. She stands on her own. The fireplace is rebuilt. Chorus members sing and have communion with Lynne in the hospital.
Teresa 2-26-2000. One day shy of two months after the accident, Lynne returns home. Before she leaves the hospital, the doctors and therapist are amazed at her recovery. She opens her Christmas presents and sleeps in her own bed.
Lynne and Eric 2-28-2000. Eric types a message for his mom. Lynne expresses how great it is to be home, and to return to church. Her church family breaks out in applause and sings to her, "We Love You With the Love of the Lord."
Teresa 3-8-2000. Lynne begins outpatient therapy. She goes to church and sings, "My heart, my mind, my body, my soul, I give to you, take control." New carpet is installed. The boys are leaving for ski retreat. Lynne is still not walking, but her standing balance is getting better. One Day At a Time.
Russell 3-9-2000. Lynne finishes her first week of outpatient therapy. Occupational therapists work on the waist up, physical therapists on the waist down. Lynne visits her office. Lynne's previous boss pays for Gloria to clean their house.
Teresa 3-19-2000. Mike, Teresa, and Bryan take Eric and Aaron to a San Antonio Spurs basketball game. Lynne answers the cordless phone and drinks from a 16oz Tupperware glass with a sipper seal. She makes forward progress on the parallel bars in therapy. Mary Netherland spends a day with Lynne while Russell is at school.
Lynne 3-24-2000. Lynne types her own message. She and her family go to hear the Christian group Far From Home. Their song, "I'm Alright" says, "I've seen how the joy outweighs the pain." She walks the whole length of the parallel bars. She sees the pictures of the accident scene for the first time and marvels she wasn't hurt worse.
Lynne and Ruth 3-29-2000. Lynne stands with minimal assistance and walks with a walker for the first time since her accident. In OT, also for the first time, Lynne is able to pick up all the pegs, put them where they belong, and take them back out again. Lynne is able to wash and wring a washrag, use a "fat end" on a spoon or fork, hold the telephone to her ear, and hold greeting cards to read them. She is weaned from the big collar that has been her constant companion for over 3 months. She plans to sing on the worship team for the first time since her accident. Ruth is in San Antonio and types the update for her.
Lynne 4-5-2000. Lynne goes back to chorus practice for the first time since the accident. She writes them a very touching thank you note.
Teresa and Lynne 4-15-2000. Teresa and Lynne correspond with Holly Virden of the Christian group, Sierra, and tell her how much they appreciate her song. Lynne shares how the song ministered to her even before the accident. Holly responds that the group is praying for her.
Lynne 4-18-2000. Lynne is working with her walker and on her balance and stride. It still feels like she has pebbles in her hands and fingers, but hand/arm exercises are getting quicker. She has much difficulty writing. She is released to work 10 - 15 hours per week. The boys are going to Leadership Training for Christ convention.
Mom 5-7-2000. Lynne uses spoons, forks, and glasses. She signs her name and works from home using voice-activated software. She walks with a mobilizer (walker) with assistance. She cuts her time in half on the peg-board test. She brushes her teeth unassisted.
Lynne 5-22-2000. Lynne writes her own update using voice-activated software. She begins medication to relieve cinching. She is working to strengthen legs and shoulders. Her range of motion improves as Dr. Barber had promised it would. Handwriting sample.
Teresa 6-5-2000. Teresa spends a few days alone with Lynne while Russell and the boys go to Lubbock. They go clothes shopping, take Lynne to therapy, eat lunch at Wendy's, take Teresa for a haircut, go to a movie, and buy a Ginny Owens CD. On Sunday, Lynne is on the worship team.
Lynne 6-18-2000. Lynne begins to use her mobilizer at home, conquers her fear of the floor, and graduates to a new bicycle.
Lynne 6-21-2000. Lynne uses her mobilizer to go from therapy to the first floor. The previous Friday and today, she visits the sixth floor, and stops to talk (standing up!) with nurses, aides, and therapists that helped her in the early days of recovery.
David and Lynne 7-8-2000. Lynne uses her mobilizer from home to therapy, all during therapy, and to lunch. Lynne meets with hospital team to plan her return to work. Russell graduates from SMU computer network training. Aaron gets pneumonia, and at the hospital, Aaron is in the wheelchair and Lynne walks behind with her mobilizer. Lynne walks the length of the parallel bars with no hands.
Lynne 8-2-2000. Lynne uses her mobilizer nearly everywhere she goes. She has tried a 4-footed cane, has learned to climb stairs, and is walking on a treadmill. Her signature is almost back to normal. Russell resigns at HEB, and because of insurance changes, Lynne moves to Warm Springs Rehab. She says goodbye to University Hospital and is ready to move to the next chapter.
Lynne 8-15-2000. Lynne travels to Lubbock - her first out-of-town trip since the previous Thanksgiving - and stays with Russell's parents. Russell's dad has not seen her since the accident. Lynne visits David's office and three different churches to thank them for their prayers and to testify of God's healing power.
Teresa 9-4-2000. Teresa goes to a Ginny Owens concert in San Antonio with Lynne. Teresa helps Lynne make a tape of many of the songs and scriptures that have been so meaningful to Lynne over the past months. At church, Lynne climbs the stairs to Bible class, and the chorus and Teresa sing "Glory" during services. The preacher quotes 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 which encourages us to not lose heart because our eyes are fixed on what is unseen.
Lynne 9-5-2000. Lynne transitions to Warm Springs Rehab, where she improves her balance, enjoys hydrotherapy, and walks 400 feet wihout her mobilizer. She still has pain in her middle back and in her right arm. Wednesday evening at church, Danny asks Lynne to stand, then Danny testifies of the miracles in Lynne's life and leads them in a prayer of thanksgiving and praise. Lynne asks for prayers for a co-worker's wife, Donna Drayton, who was in a car wreck and is going through therapy.
Lynne 10-10-2000. Lynne walks to the car after therapy, into worship, and into University Clinic to see Dr. Barber and former OT therapist Kathy holding only Russell's hand. She still uses the mobilizer for long distances and when she is tired. She enjoys the pool therapy on Friday mornings, but therapy is mostly "walking, walking, walking.....forward, backward, side stepping, on toes, on heels, braiding, one foot in front of the other, and any other way they can think of." Lynne has quite a bit of pain in her right shoulder and arm. The family goes to Austin where they visit Mary and Lora Netherland, worship at University Avenue with their former preacher, walk around the Capitol, and stay in a hotel.
Dad 11-2-2000. Dad travels to San Antonio for the week of Lynne's birthday. The whole Riggan family meets him at the airport, and Lynne walks up to him unassisted to give him a hug. Lynne fixes supper almost completely by herself and walks into church and up to Bible Class using only a cane. Her class tells her she is "showing off for her daddy." The family celebrates Lynne's birthday on Tuesday, October 17th at Olive Garden, and they spend Thursday evening in the ER after Eric severely gouges his leg. Dad and Lynne remember this is the second handicap in Lynne's life where they have believed in God for a miracle.
Lynne 12-24-2000. Lynne marks the anniversary of her accident by remembering how far she has come and what she has learned. At 3:30, she and Russell hang a special picture above the mantle. Lynne is going to therapy two mornings a week and to work three days a week. She walks around the house on her own, helps decorate the Christmas tree, and bakes her traditional gingersnap cookies. Lynne remembers the day she gave her life to Christ and was born again on Christmas Eve, 1967, and she testifies how that relationship sustained her when her life was turned upside-down on Christmas Eve, 1999. Lynne gives thanks to God for using her tragedy to his glory and for giving her new life once more.
Lynne 4-16-2001. Lynne jumps a rope "twice around on the step-through one leg at a time and once around with both feet!" She is walking a treadmill "for 15 minutes without hands at 2 mph." She still has pain in her neck, but is planning to see a pain doctor from church whose specialty is spinal cords. "God is working on Russell, too" who is dealing with health problems of his own. The family travels to Houston where Eric and Aaron compete at the Leadership Training for Christ convention and Russell and Lynne coach. Lynne sings with her chorus for Easter.
Russell 5-5-2001. Russell tells the exciting and touching story of Lynne's first time to drive a car since her accident.
Lynne 1-6-2002. Lynne has been released from therapy, and she and Russell are going to a health club together. Through a series of remarkable circumstances, Lynne meets Star Ferdinand who puts her in touch with Cindy Mosely who has been praying for an opportunity to try a new neuro-structural massage technique.
Lynne 11-6-2002. Almost three years after the accident, Lynne faces fusion surgery to fix further deterioration in her spine, but she and her family prefer to wait until after the first of the year because of the emotional difficulties of doing it during the holidays. Meanwhile, Lynne is hoping for a miracle on November 19th when she will undergo eye surgery to remove a cataract, implant a lens, and do a pupiloplasty to correct a congenital defect. She tries to grasp the possibility of seeing perfectly for the first time in her life. Also, the company for which Lynne works has been sold, and she is still waiting to find out if she has a permanent position. Through all of this, God dramatically shows Lynne that He continues to be her shepherd, her rock, her shield, and her fortress. Lynne asks for prayers for herself and Russ.
Lynne 11-12-2002. Lynne has a job!
Russell 11-20-2002. Russell sends an initial report after Lynne's eye surgery. She can already see 20/70. She will go back on Monday morning for a follow-up. Then on the following Friday they will meet with Dr. Vollmer, the neurosurgeon, to discuss further neck surgery.
Lynne 11-24-2002. Lynne has been "up and down" with "overwhelming" emotions but puts them aside long enough to share a technical report about her visit with Dr. Vollmer, where they concluded that spinal surgery was definitely necessary. Lynne asks for wisdom and prayers regarding the timing of the surgery. Thankfully, two members of senior management at her new company have told her to do what is best for her, that they would be there for her.
Lynne 11-26-2002. Lynne is praising God for her eye surgery and its amazing results: she can see better than ever before!
Lynne 12-13-2002. Lynne lets everyone know she will be entering the hospital the next morning. She expects 3 days of traction, followed by spinal surgery and recovery, and hopes to be home by Christmas Eve.
Russ 12-18-2002. Russ reports that the surgery was successful and Lynne is back to her room. Russ is kicked out of the room at 9:15 that evening, but Lynne's mom spends the night in the waiting room and checks on her.
Lynne 12-23-2002. Lynne arrives home on December 23, the day before Christmas Eve, as she had hoped, and thanks everyone for their prayers.
Lynne 1-11-2003. Lynne has been experiencing extreme pain in her right shoulder, which has made typing difficult. But she is getting stronger every day and finally feels well enough to tell the story of Paula, her hospital roommate. Lynne testifies how God used her, in the midst of her own terrible pain, to share with Paula God's light and comfort and peace.
Lynne 1-19-2003. One month after her surgery, Lynne wears her collar and uses her cane only when she leaves the house. The 3-day pattern of "cinching" pain around her torso continues. Lynne has started back to physical therapy and was assessed for the first time since August, 2001. Pending Dr. Vollmer's and Dr. Barber's approval, she plans to resume work part time in February. Lynne's preacher shares her story as part of his sermon on "Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus." The worship leader closes the service with "The Joy of the Lord," not knowing it is on Lynne's CD.
Lynne 2-15-2003. Lynne visits her doctors, and the bottom line is "6 more weeks then we'll take more x-rays, 6 more weeks of OT/PT and we'll see how my right leg and foot are doing, 6 weeks and hopefully my voice will be back to normal." Dr. Vollmer is moving to Houston but will review Lynne's case from there. Lynne sees Cindy, her massage therapist, who helps with pain in her leg, foot, and shoulder. The doctors release Lynne to work 20 hours a week where "it is really easy to get back into the stress of it all." But Lynne rejoices "that I can still stand, even if a bit wobbly, on Holy Ground - both physically and spiritually."
Lynne 5-22-2003. After struggling with the possibility of having to give up her singing voice, Lynne goes to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor. The doctor thinks surgery on her vocal cords might be necessary, but sends her to a speech pathologist for a more sophisticated test. Lynne meets a speech therapist named Chantal who makes a video of Lynne's vocal cords, which proves they are working, if not completely. The pathologist and Chantal conclude that Lynne's condition can be treated with therapy instead of surgery, which the ENT doctor later confirms. Lynne discovers a surprising connection with Chantal which assures her of God's faithfulness once more.
Lynne 6-2-2003. Lynne drives to work for the first time, and Russ follows her.
Lynne 2-8-2004. At Lynne's request, Teresa attends a ladies Valentine luncheon and is honored as a special woman in Lynne's life. Then on Sunday, after a year's struggle since her latest surgery, Lynne's voice is finally strong again. Lynne has also received healing in her eyes and her ears, so when she is called upon to stand for 15 minutes with the worship team, the Spirit within her "bubbles up and pours forth" praise.
Lynne 3-31-2004. After an exhausting day at work, Lynne discovers she is thankful for her physical limitations, and this leads to tender moments with her sons and her husband.
Lynne 12-24-2007. On the eighth anniversary of her accident, Lynne sends an e-mail to K-LOVE radio. Despite some physical limits, Lynne is praising God for the miracle of healing.
Lynne 12-24-2009. On the tenth anniversary of her accident, Lynne is celebrating life! "Life is sweeter, trying not to take things or people for granted... Today is a day for remembering – and moving on... I was baptized on Christmas Eve when I was 10, and God gave me new life again 10 years ago. My prayer is that I will live for Him, without excuse and on purpose."
Lynne 8-25-2010. Lynne endures a myelogram and praises God for a good report.
Lynne 7-4-2011. Lynne is asked to tell her story in a Fourth Day talk at the Northern Hills monthly Emmaus gathering in San Antonio. Hesitant at first, she receives several confirmations that the time is right, and delivers a moving testimony about God's work throughout her entire life.
Lynne 3-28-2014. Lynne shares a link with the comment, "Now I know why my accident happened."
These are the e-mail messages that were circulated as events unfolded. Click on the first of each paragraph to see the full message.
Lynne, Family, Christmas, and Our Awesome God. David's story of the accident, his first visit to the hospital to see Lynne, and the surprise Christmas present after he returned home.
Russell 12-25-1999. After 12 hours at the hospital, Russell writes the first e-mail early Christmas morning. He breaks the news to those who haven't heard and tells what has occurred since the accident: After 11 hours in the ER, Lynne was moved to Surgical Trauma ICU. Neurosurgeons have done an MRI and have ordered massive doses of steroids to bring down the swelling in Lynne's spine. Russell asks everyone and their church families to pray.
Russell 12-27-1999. Lynne moves her left arm for the first time since the accident. She is flat on her back. Her head and her ankle really hurt, but "pain is a good thing." The church family has reached out to all four of them.
Russell 12-28-1999. Lynne is taking medicine for swelling and pain as well as a muscle relaxer and Valium. The cast on her ankle is replaced with a more comfortable one. She cannot open her hands. A nurse sneaks the boys into ICU to give them 5-10 minutes as a family. Teresa, Ruth, and Dad are planning to come.
David 12-30-1999. The chorus from church calls to sing "Glory" to Lynne over the phone. Lynne has no use of her hands. Prayer requests for family members who are traveling.
Russell 12-31-1999. Lynne moves from ICU to an intermediate care area on the 7th floor. Dad arrives to help out. Eric misses his mom.
Russell and David 1-5-2000. Lynne moves to rehab. She begins with one therapist for legs and one for her arms and hands. She can move her knee almost to her chin, but still has no use of her arms and hands.
Teresa 1-6-2000. Lynne has a really nice room in rehab. She gets cards from work, spends time with Dad, gets help from church family, and gains inspiration from Christian radio. She left them teary when she moved from the 7th floor.
Russell 1-13-2000. Lynne is helped to her feet for the first time since the accident. She gets a weight-bearing cast on her right ankle and a voice-activated phone. Dad "has helped out tremendously." A teacher compliments Russell on his boys.
Teresa 1-18-2000. Teresa and Anita go to see Lynne. Lynne has visits from co-workers Jennie and Cindy, and family friends Mary, Lora, and Ashley Netherland. Uncle Richard and cousin Steffanie come to spend time with Dad and Lynne. Lynne can bring her hands up to her face and sit up without assistance. Song by Sierra, "I Know You Know".
Teresa 1-22-2000. Lynne, Russell, and Dad have a difficult visit with the neurosurgeon. Recovery will take much longer than originally expected. Lynne feels tightness in her chest. She sees her dog, Maggie, for the first time since the accident and spends an evening with her boys. Aunt Betty sends an afghan with "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength."
Dad 1-22-2000. Dad researches Central Cord Syndrome on the internet. Several of our misconceptions are corrected, most notably how long the recovery could take.
Teresa 1-23-2000. Dad, Uncle Richard, and chorus members sing and have communion with Lynne in the hospital. Lynne can put the wireless phone headpiece in her ear by herself.
Russell and Lynne 1-27-2000. Lynne uses her therapist's computer to write her own message in 45 minutes using one finger. She calls Russell and asks him to forward it.
Teresa 1-29-2000. Russell hits a pole in his truck. Lynne moves from a hard cast to an air splint on her right leg. She works with a standing machine in therapy. She nicknames her wheelchair "The Flintstone Car."
Russell 2-2-2000. Russell sends a sample of Lynne's first attempt at handwriting since the accident. It ends, "Russell, I Love You," and reminds Russell of the notes they wrote to each other when they were dating.
David and Russell 2-3-2000. Lynne is scheduled for surgery. Russell gets caregiver training at the Temporary Living Apartment.
Teresa 2-7-2000. Teresa passes the word about a prayer vigil to be held for Lynne on Tuesday, February 8, at 7 pm. David will fly to San Antonio to take part.
David 2-10-2000. The elders pray for Lynne before her surgery. Lynne moves out of rehab. Dr. Harper unroofs C1-4 to decompress Lynne's spine. Dr. Harper's sketch.
Teresa 2-20-2000. Lynne regains strength after surgery. She stands on her own. The fireplace is rebuilt. Chorus members sing and have communion with Lynne in the hospital.
Teresa 2-26-2000. One day shy of two months after the accident, Lynne returns home. Before she leaves the hospital, the doctors and therapist are amazed at her recovery. She opens her Christmas presents and sleeps in her own bed.
Lynne and Eric 2-28-2000. Eric types a message for his mom. Lynne expresses how great it is to be home, and to return to church. Her church family breaks out in applause and sings to her, "We Love You With the Love of the Lord."
Teresa 3-8-2000. Lynne begins outpatient therapy. She goes to church and sings, "My heart, my mind, my body, my soul, I give to you, take control." New carpet is installed. The boys are leaving for ski retreat. Lynne is still not walking, but her standing balance is getting better. One Day At a Time.
Russell 3-9-2000. Lynne finishes her first week of outpatient therapy. Occupational therapists work on the waist up, physical therapists on the waist down. Lynne visits her office. Lynne's previous boss pays for Gloria to clean their house.
Teresa 3-19-2000. Mike, Teresa, and Bryan take Eric and Aaron to a San Antonio Spurs basketball game. Lynne answers the cordless phone and drinks from a 16oz Tupperware glass with a sipper seal. She makes forward progress on the parallel bars in therapy. Mary Netherland spends a day with Lynne while Russell is at school.
Lynne 3-24-2000. Lynne types her own message. She and her family go to hear the Christian group Far From Home. Their song, "I'm Alright" says, "I've seen how the joy outweighs the pain." She walks the whole length of the parallel bars. She sees the pictures of the accident scene for the first time and marvels she wasn't hurt worse.
Lynne and Ruth 3-29-2000. Lynne stands with minimal assistance and walks with a walker for the first time since her accident. In OT, also for the first time, Lynne is able to pick up all the pegs, put them where they belong, and take them back out again. Lynne is able to wash and wring a washrag, use a "fat end" on a spoon or fork, hold the telephone to her ear, and hold greeting cards to read them. She is weaned from the big collar that has been her constant companion for over 3 months. She plans to sing on the worship team for the first time since her accident. Ruth is in San Antonio and types the update for her.
Lynne 4-5-2000. Lynne goes back to chorus practice for the first time since the accident. She writes them a very touching thank you note.
Teresa and Lynne 4-15-2000. Teresa and Lynne correspond with Holly Virden of the Christian group, Sierra, and tell her how much they appreciate her song. Lynne shares how the song ministered to her even before the accident. Holly responds that the group is praying for her.
Lynne 4-18-2000. Lynne is working with her walker and on her balance and stride. It still feels like she has pebbles in her hands and fingers, but hand/arm exercises are getting quicker. She has much difficulty writing. She is released to work 10 - 15 hours per week. The boys are going to Leadership Training for Christ convention.
Mom 5-7-2000. Lynne uses spoons, forks, and glasses. She signs her name and works from home using voice-activated software. She walks with a mobilizer (walker) with assistance. She cuts her time in half on the peg-board test. She brushes her teeth unassisted.
Lynne 5-22-2000. Lynne writes her own update using voice-activated software. She begins medication to relieve cinching. She is working to strengthen legs and shoulders. Her range of motion improves as Dr. Barber had promised it would. Handwriting sample.
Teresa 6-5-2000. Teresa spends a few days alone with Lynne while Russell and the boys go to Lubbock. They go clothes shopping, take Lynne to therapy, eat lunch at Wendy's, take Teresa for a haircut, go to a movie, and buy a Ginny Owens CD. On Sunday, Lynne is on the worship team.
Lynne 6-18-2000. Lynne begins to use her mobilizer at home, conquers her fear of the floor, and graduates to a new bicycle.
Lynne 6-21-2000. Lynne uses her mobilizer to go from therapy to the first floor. The previous Friday and today, she visits the sixth floor, and stops to talk (standing up!) with nurses, aides, and therapists that helped her in the early days of recovery.
David and Lynne 7-8-2000. Lynne uses her mobilizer from home to therapy, all during therapy, and to lunch. Lynne meets with hospital team to plan her return to work. Russell graduates from SMU computer network training. Aaron gets pneumonia, and at the hospital, Aaron is in the wheelchair and Lynne walks behind with her mobilizer. Lynne walks the length of the parallel bars with no hands.
Lynne 8-2-2000. Lynne uses her mobilizer nearly everywhere she goes. She has tried a 4-footed cane, has learned to climb stairs, and is walking on a treadmill. Her signature is almost back to normal. Russell resigns at HEB, and because of insurance changes, Lynne moves to Warm Springs Rehab. She says goodbye to University Hospital and is ready to move to the next chapter.
Lynne 8-15-2000. Lynne travels to Lubbock - her first out-of-town trip since the previous Thanksgiving - and stays with Russell's parents. Russell's dad has not seen her since the accident. Lynne visits David's office and three different churches to thank them for their prayers and to testify of God's healing power.
Teresa 9-4-2000. Teresa goes to a Ginny Owens concert in San Antonio with Lynne. Teresa helps Lynne make a tape of many of the songs and scriptures that have been so meaningful to Lynne over the past months. At church, Lynne climbs the stairs to Bible class, and the chorus and Teresa sing "Glory" during services. The preacher quotes 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 which encourages us to not lose heart because our eyes are fixed on what is unseen.
Lynne 9-5-2000. Lynne transitions to Warm Springs Rehab, where she improves her balance, enjoys hydrotherapy, and walks 400 feet wihout her mobilizer. She still has pain in her middle back and in her right arm. Wednesday evening at church, Danny asks Lynne to stand, then Danny testifies of the miracles in Lynne's life and leads them in a prayer of thanksgiving and praise. Lynne asks for prayers for a co-worker's wife, Donna Drayton, who was in a car wreck and is going through therapy.
Lynne 10-10-2000. Lynne walks to the car after therapy, into worship, and into University Clinic to see Dr. Barber and former OT therapist Kathy holding only Russell's hand. She still uses the mobilizer for long distances and when she is tired. She enjoys the pool therapy on Friday mornings, but therapy is mostly "walking, walking, walking.....forward, backward, side stepping, on toes, on heels, braiding, one foot in front of the other, and any other way they can think of." Lynne has quite a bit of pain in her right shoulder and arm. The family goes to Austin where they visit Mary and Lora Netherland, worship at University Avenue with their former preacher, walk around the Capitol, and stay in a hotel.
Dad 11-2-2000. Dad travels to San Antonio for the week of Lynne's birthday. The whole Riggan family meets him at the airport, and Lynne walks up to him unassisted to give him a hug. Lynne fixes supper almost completely by herself and walks into church and up to Bible Class using only a cane. Her class tells her she is "showing off for her daddy." The family celebrates Lynne's birthday on Tuesday, October 17th at Olive Garden, and they spend Thursday evening in the ER after Eric severely gouges his leg. Dad and Lynne remember this is the second handicap in Lynne's life where they have believed in God for a miracle.
Lynne 12-24-2000. Lynne marks the anniversary of her accident by remembering how far she has come and what she has learned. At 3:30, she and Russell hang a special picture above the mantle. Lynne is going to therapy two mornings a week and to work three days a week. She walks around the house on her own, helps decorate the Christmas tree, and bakes her traditional gingersnap cookies. Lynne remembers the day she gave her life to Christ and was born again on Christmas Eve, 1967, and she testifies how that relationship sustained her when her life was turned upside-down on Christmas Eve, 1999. Lynne gives thanks to God for using her tragedy to his glory and for giving her new life once more.
Lynne 4-16-2001. Lynne jumps a rope "twice around on the step-through one leg at a time and once around with both feet!" She is walking a treadmill "for 15 minutes without hands at 2 mph." She still has pain in her neck, but is planning to see a pain doctor from church whose specialty is spinal cords. "God is working on Russell, too" who is dealing with health problems of his own. The family travels to Houston where Eric and Aaron compete at the Leadership Training for Christ convention and Russell and Lynne coach. Lynne sings with her chorus for Easter.
Russell 5-5-2001. Russell tells the exciting and touching story of Lynne's first time to drive a car since her accident.
Lynne 1-6-2002. Lynne has been released from therapy, and she and Russell are going to a health club together. Through a series of remarkable circumstances, Lynne meets Star Ferdinand who puts her in touch with Cindy Mosely who has been praying for an opportunity to try a new neuro-structural massage technique.
Lynne 11-6-2002. Almost three years after the accident, Lynne faces fusion surgery to fix further deterioration in her spine, but she and her family prefer to wait until after the first of the year because of the emotional difficulties of doing it during the holidays. Meanwhile, Lynne is hoping for a miracle on November 19th when she will undergo eye surgery to remove a cataract, implant a lens, and do a pupiloplasty to correct a congenital defect. She tries to grasp the possibility of seeing perfectly for the first time in her life. Also, the company for which Lynne works has been sold, and she is still waiting to find out if she has a permanent position. Through all of this, God dramatically shows Lynne that He continues to be her shepherd, her rock, her shield, and her fortress. Lynne asks for prayers for herself and Russ.
Lynne 11-12-2002. Lynne has a job!
Russell 11-20-2002. Russell sends an initial report after Lynne's eye surgery. She can already see 20/70. She will go back on Monday morning for a follow-up. Then on the following Friday they will meet with Dr. Vollmer, the neurosurgeon, to discuss further neck surgery.
Lynne 11-24-2002. Lynne has been "up and down" with "overwhelming" emotions but puts them aside long enough to share a technical report about her visit with Dr. Vollmer, where they concluded that spinal surgery was definitely necessary. Lynne asks for wisdom and prayers regarding the timing of the surgery. Thankfully, two members of senior management at her new company have told her to do what is best for her, that they would be there for her.
Lynne 11-26-2002. Lynne is praising God for her eye surgery and its amazing results: she can see better than ever before!
Lynne 12-13-2002. Lynne lets everyone know she will be entering the hospital the next morning. She expects 3 days of traction, followed by spinal surgery and recovery, and hopes to be home by Christmas Eve.
Russ 12-18-2002. Russ reports that the surgery was successful and Lynne is back to her room. Russ is kicked out of the room at 9:15 that evening, but Lynne's mom spends the night in the waiting room and checks on her.
Lynne 12-23-2002. Lynne arrives home on December 23, the day before Christmas Eve, as she had hoped, and thanks everyone for their prayers.
Lynne 1-11-2003. Lynne has been experiencing extreme pain in her right shoulder, which has made typing difficult. But she is getting stronger every day and finally feels well enough to tell the story of Paula, her hospital roommate. Lynne testifies how God used her, in the midst of her own terrible pain, to share with Paula God's light and comfort and peace.
Lynne 1-19-2003. One month after her surgery, Lynne wears her collar and uses her cane only when she leaves the house. The 3-day pattern of "cinching" pain around her torso continues. Lynne has started back to physical therapy and was assessed for the first time since August, 2001. Pending Dr. Vollmer's and Dr. Barber's approval, she plans to resume work part time in February. Lynne's preacher shares her story as part of his sermon on "Fixing Our Eyes On Jesus." The worship leader closes the service with "The Joy of the Lord," not knowing it is on Lynne's CD.
Lynne 2-15-2003. Lynne visits her doctors, and the bottom line is "6 more weeks then we'll take more x-rays, 6 more weeks of OT/PT and we'll see how my right leg and foot are doing, 6 weeks and hopefully my voice will be back to normal." Dr. Vollmer is moving to Houston but will review Lynne's case from there. Lynne sees Cindy, her massage therapist, who helps with pain in her leg, foot, and shoulder. The doctors release Lynne to work 20 hours a week where "it is really easy to get back into the stress of it all." But Lynne rejoices "that I can still stand, even if a bit wobbly, on Holy Ground - both physically and spiritually."
Lynne 5-22-2003. After struggling with the possibility of having to give up her singing voice, Lynne goes to see an ear, nose, and throat doctor. The doctor thinks surgery on her vocal cords might be necessary, but sends her to a speech pathologist for a more sophisticated test. Lynne meets a speech therapist named Chantal who makes a video of Lynne's vocal cords, which proves they are working, if not completely. The pathologist and Chantal conclude that Lynne's condition can be treated with therapy instead of surgery, which the ENT doctor later confirms. Lynne discovers a surprising connection with Chantal which assures her of God's faithfulness once more.
Lynne 6-2-2003. Lynne drives to work for the first time, and Russ follows her.
Lynne 2-8-2004. At Lynne's request, Teresa attends a ladies Valentine luncheon and is honored as a special woman in Lynne's life. Then on Sunday, after a year's struggle since her latest surgery, Lynne's voice is finally strong again. Lynne has also received healing in her eyes and her ears, so when she is called upon to stand for 15 minutes with the worship team, the Spirit within her "bubbles up and pours forth" praise.
Lynne 3-31-2004. After an exhausting day at work, Lynne discovers she is thankful for her physical limitations, and this leads to tender moments with her sons and her husband.
Lynne 12-24-2007. On the eighth anniversary of her accident, Lynne sends an e-mail to K-LOVE radio. Despite some physical limits, Lynne is praising God for the miracle of healing.
Lynne 12-24-2009. On the tenth anniversary of her accident, Lynne is celebrating life! "Life is sweeter, trying not to take things or people for granted... Today is a day for remembering – and moving on... I was baptized on Christmas Eve when I was 10, and God gave me new life again 10 years ago. My prayer is that I will live for Him, without excuse and on purpose."
Lynne 8-25-2010. Lynne endures a myelogram and praises God for a good report.
Lynne 7-4-2011. Lynne is asked to tell her story in a Fourth Day talk at the Northern Hills monthly Emmaus gathering in San Antonio. Hesitant at first, she receives several confirmations that the time is right, and delivers a moving testimony about God's work throughout her entire life.
Lynne 3-28-2014. Lynne shares a link with the comment, "Now I know why my accident happened."