Date: September 4, 2000
Dear Family and Friends,
Last spring I was listening to the contemporary Christian radio station here in Lubbock when I first heard the words to the song, "If You Want Me To" by Ginny Owens. In June when I went to see Lynne she heard the song for the first time. In fact, during the week that I was there we heard it 7 times, and even went to buy the CD (we got the last one, and it was on sale). So...when Lynne heard that Ginny was going to be in San Antonio on Aug. 25th, she called and asked me to see if I could make plans to attend the concert with her. So...I did.
I got to San Antonio Friday by 4:00. I went and picked Eric & Aaron (and their friend Andrew) up at school and then met Lynne and Russell at the house. We ate dinner, and then Lynne, the boys, and I went to a Community Church, not far from their home, to see the concert.
There were three bands before Ginny, all from San Antonio, and finally it was time for the main event. There was a short intermission before Ginny, and Lynne and I decided we needed to go to the ladies room. Because of the number of people present, and because Lynne is using her mobilizer, I went to ask if we could use a different door. They said sure, but that we would need to wait until Ginny was up on stage. So.. I stood by the wall and began talking to the guy next to me. (I'm sure none of you can imagine me doing that.) Anyway, he turned out to be a local celebrity, Dave Gordon, from the morning show on the AM Christian radio station. I briefly told him about Lynne, and he went over and introduced himself to her. Then, he went up and gave the intro for Ginny Owens!
Some men helped Ginny to the keyboard (for those of you who don't know, Ginny is blind) where she began playing and singing her own songs. Before each song Ginny would talk to us about the history of the song. She had us laughing and crying. About half way through the concert she asked if any of us liked to sing, and began a praise medley sing along including, "Sing Of Your Love Forever", "Step by Step", "Lord I Lift Your Name On High", "Awesome God", "All In All", and "Shout To The Lord". WOW! To be in an auditorium with nearly 1,000 Christians of all denominations, singing songs to our ONE God was so uplifting!
Of course, as with all concerts, it came to the last song...." If You Want Me To." Ginny gave a testimony of her own faith and encouraged everyone to keep the faith before singing her song. At the end of her song, instead of singing "and I'll go through the valley", she sang, "so for now I will go through the darkness if you want me to. For when I cross over Jordan, I will see your face." Well, by this time the tears were definitely streaming! We left feeling very uplifted.
Saturday, our goal was to put together a cassette tape of songs that have been a part of Lynne's journey of faith and healing. We started with a 60 minute tape and quickly filled up one side, so Russell went and bought us some 90 minute tapes. We had CDs and cassettes everywhere - and even sang "Little by Little" ourselves since we did not have a recording of it!! Lynne decided to start the tape with a Christmas song since the accident took place on Christmas Eve. Then we continued with "Glory" the "Hold Me" medley, "God Will Make A Way", "Son Of God, Son Of Man", "I Know You Know", "The Joy Of The Lord", "Little By Little", "This Is Your Time", "It Is Well", "Different Roads", "I'm Alright", "Step By Step", "Awesome God", "Shout To The Lord", "Draw Me Close", "Be Thou My Vision", "If You Want Me To", and we closed with "For All That You've Done..I Will Thank You!".
Lynne used her Dragon-Speak to type a short reason that each song was chosen, and that document is attached to this e-mail. We wanted to include, "Fingerprints Of God", "Sing Of Your Love", "There's A Stirring", and "Shine, Jesus Shine", but we didn't have copies of all of these songs, and we had already filled up a 90 minute tape. Besides the break we took to eat the delicious chicken fajitas that Russell fixed, we spent the whole day getting the tape made, and making some copies. We laughed and cried and were truly exhausted.
Sunday, we went to church at Sunset Ridge. Lynne told me that they had moved their Bible class upstairs. So, when we got there, she went straight to the stairs and started climbing. Russell was right behind her, and I carried up the mobilizer. After class she went down the stairs. It is such a blessing to see her progress! It is time for their chorus to start meeting again, and so the chorus was asked to sing a selection as part of the assembly. Lynne said that I could sing with them. Guess what we sang? "Glory"!!!!!!
Their new preacher, Stephen Johnson, preached on "What I believe". He included the scripture from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." Lynne said, "This is another scripture to add to my collection." Communion was after the sermon. In June, I actually gave Lynne communion. This time I was able to hand her the bread, and then the vine and she was able to partake herself. God is so good! We ended the service by singing, "Jesus Let Us Come To Know You".
After lunch with Lynne, Russell and the boys, it was time to drive back to Lubbock. Lynne and Russell gave me birthday cards to give Mike on Monday for his 40th birthday, and then I followed Russell so that I could find the highway that I needed. While following them the radio station played "Fingerprints Of God", and "Sing Of Your Love" back to back! After I lost the Christian radio station I listened to the tape we made twice and cried both times. To relive the experiences of the last 8 months is quite emotional. Emotions of sadness, and thankfulness. God continues to draw us close to Him! As Lynne said, "Through this whole ordeal I know that God has been drawing me ever close to Him. I know that He is all I ever need, and pray that He will never let me go."
God bless-
P.S. If you, or anyone you know, would like a copy of the tape we made, we would be happy to share it with you.
Celebrate the Gift
- by Twila Paris - my accident happened on Christmas Eve, 1999. This is one of my favorite Christmas songsGlory - by The Sunset Ridge Chorus - while I was in ICU, the chorus called me on the phone and sang the song to me after meeting to pray for me
"Hold Me Medley" - by Dennis Jernigan - includes "If I Could Just Sit with With You Awhile", "You Are My All in All", "When the Night Is Falling", and "When I Fell in Love with You". The songs are on the CD that David brought to me in ICU. This is the same CD that Teresa got him for Christmas.
God Will Make a Way - by WOW Worship - the song has given us so much hope during the days and months of healing
Son of God/Son of Man - by Anagennao - my sister Ruth brought me this CD while I was in ICU. This particular song really touched my heart.
I Know, You Know - by Sierra - God first showed me this song two years ago when my company was up for sale. Those five months were my first lesson in waiting and hoping with God. Little did I know what that lesson was preparing me for.
The Joy of the Lord - DMFH (Danny Mann's Favorite Hits) - Danny is the worship leader at Sunset Ridge. He made me several CDs of songs to listen to. This particular one was especially true for me - the Joy of the Lord WILL be my strength.
Little by Little - Lynne and Teresa - while I was in the hospital, longtime family friend Lora Netherland, Phyllis' sister, came to see me. We were all in youth group together in Littleton when we were in high school. This song we learned together. Lora brought it back to me now, when perhaps I needed it most.
This Is Your Time - by Michael W. Smith - this song was written in memory of Cassie Bernall who was shot at Columbine for standing up for her belief in God. This touched me deeply since I was in the first graduating class at Columbine. I also have felt that this is my time to let God use this terrible accident to His glory.
It Is Well - by Acapella - David brought me this CD when he came to be with me during my surgery. We had a wonderful time of prayer with our elders from Sunset Ridge. As I went into surgery, I knew it was well with my soul. This is also Russell's favorite hymn.
Different Roads - by Kathy Triccoli - Teresa brought me a book by this name when she came to see me after surgery. Many people have had their lives take a totally different turn, or road, due to some life changing event. I do not know where this will lead, but I know God goes before me.
I'm Alright - by Far from Home (FFH) - one of the first things we got to do as a family after I got home from the hospital, was attend a FFH concert. As I sat in the front row in my wheelchair with my big neck brace, they sang this song directly to me. I am going to be Alright, and I know God does like having me around.
Step by Step, Awesome God, Shout to the Lord - these praise and worship songs are some of my favorites. Our awesome God does lead us step-by-step if we will let Him, and as a result, we can't help but praise his holy name. These particular songs were also part of a medley sung during the Ginny Owens concert that Teresa and I got to attend together.
Draw Me Close - by the Katinas - during this whole ordeal, I know that God has been drawing me ever closer to Him. I know that He is all I will never need, and pray that He will never let me go.
Be Thou My Vision - by Ginny Owens - I have always considered my vision problems to be my "thorn" to bear - and now, I have even more "thorns.". Ginny is blind, and asks that God be her vision. WOW! I pray that He will always be my vision, too. For "when I am weak, then He is strong."
If You Want Me To - by Ginny Owens - Teresa heard the song first, and shared with me when she came to San Antonio in June. We heard it eight times the week she was here. The words so closely mirrored my situation, we went to get the CD. We got the last copy - and it was on sale! In August, Teresa came back to San Antonio so that we could attend the Ginny Owens concert together.
Thank You, Lord! - by Dennis Jernigan - "for all that You've done I will thank you, for all that You're going to do, for all that You promised and all that you are, Jesus I thank you." God has brought me a long way in my recovery, but I know that He is not through yet. Praise and glory be to Him. Amen!